Video: Why the gay marriage victory was so important

The is being posted partly on a congratulatory note - this week the House of Lords backed gay marriage by a majority of 242. This means that same-sex couples should be able to marry by next summer.

The is being posted partly on a congratulatory note – this week the House of Lords backed gay marriage by a majority of 242. This means that same-sex couples should be able to marry by next summer.

In many other parts of the world, however, the fight for equal marriage goes on, including in the United States, where Rhode Island and Delaware have legalised same-sex marriage and Minnesota is likely to follow suit. The total number of US states which now legally recognise same-sex marriage is 12.

The debate is all but over in England and Wales but this video should still be watched if only as a reminder of what was as at stake. It puts all the brain-rotting platitudes about ‘one man and one woman’ into perspective.


4 Responses to “Video: Why the gay marriage victory was so important”

  1. LB

    The problem is that it wasn’t in any manifesto. As such it is completely undemocractic.

    It means you vote counts for nothing. You vote for the policy bundle you are told about and they have a secret agenda. Even the policies that are in manifestos are ignored. eg. The right of recall.

    Recall votes are a good means of dealing with this sort of political fraud. The MPs who voted for, but lied at the election, get targeted and kicked out.

    Very quickly. MPs will realise they can’t dictate, and so have to be honest. Or they can put the bill to a popular vote.Each year, have a vote with a list of bills.

    Gay marriage – Yes/no [I would vote yes]
    New taxes – Yes/no [Most would vote no]

    It’s call democracy.

  2. Louise McCudden

    Why is that unique to gay marriage? Electoral reform is great but what does that have to do with this specific policy?

  3. Ed

    OK, so off you go to object to all primary legislation that wasn’t in a manifesto. I take it we won’t be seeing you back in a hurry. You’ll be quite busy.

  4. LB

    It’s not. Why should the fact that we have undemocratic process at work mean that one policy, Gay marriage becoming legitimate.

    ie. No one was told up front, so no one has been allowed to express any opinion at the ballot box, it has been dictated.

    Are you happy with all Tory and Lib Dem legistlation? Do you feel democratically excluded from having benefits cut for example, or NHS cuts?

    You weren’t told about that in any manifesto, so there is no democracy involved. You have to do as you are told, don’t you?

    Mind you there is one advantage. With no vote, there is no responsibility. No matter how many times they say, we’re all in this together, its just MPs trying to blame others for their cock ups.

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