Left Foot Forward: Our allies in the fight for a green future

Natalie Bennett, the leader of the Green Party of England and Wales, calls for support for Left Foot Forward.

Natalie Bennett, the leader of the Green Party of England and Wales, calls for support for Left Foot Forward

In the fight for a green future we need to support our allies. Independent media, like Left Foot Forward, is vital.

Please consider donating to Left Foot Forward so they can continue the fight in 2014.

Click here to donate to Left Foot Forward on an on-going basis: https://leftfoot.bsd.net/weeklydonate

Left Foot Forward is at the forefront of the movement for a sustainable economy THAT WORKS FOR THE COMMON GOOD.

As the UK’s number-one policy blog, it helps us fight for progressive change. More than that, Left Foot Forward is constantly vigilant – correcting inaccuracies in the media and when they come out of the mouths of politicians (incredibly important in the run-up to the European and General Elections).

To continue to occupy this unique place, Left Foot Forward must be independent. But to be independent they need our support

Thank you,

Natalie Bennett

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