The cruellest postcode lottery of all

Yesterday Public Health England published an interactive map showing the levels of variation in early death rates for local authorities across England (or as some have dubbed it, the Early Death Atlas).

In place of fear: It’s time to tackle alarming health inequalities

In Place of Fear, the title of Aneurin Bevan’s book published on the 10th anniversary of the Beveridge Report, is synonymous with all that the welfare state stood for and what it sought to achieve. In 2013, as the principles of Bevan and Beveridge are being killed off, the belief that inequalities should narrow is also under attack.

A new voice for the Irish in Britain

“If you had the luck of the Irish, you’d wish you were English instead” sang John Lennon – a second generation Irishman. When it comes to the public health of the Irish in Britain, he was right. It is well-established that Irish people have poorer health than the White British population as a whole, including lower life expectancy and a host of limiting long-term illnesses; including the highest cancer rates of any ethnic minority group.