Keynes’s ghost continues to haunt George Osborne

That George Osborne should hail the loss of the UK’s AAA credit rating as evidence that yet more of the same cuts and austerity are needed is an alarming example of Orwellian “doublethink.” What is needed is Keynesian government pump priming, to fill the potholes, build houses, improve local rail networks (not HS2), invest in renewable energy sources etc, and so create employment, restore growth, increase tax revenues, eliminate the current deficit and bequeath to future generations a spanking economic infrastructure and a healthy society.

Where can investment come from?

Stephen Beer investigates why investment is not reaching the UK economy and what Labour can do to induce investment among our nation’s businesses.

Cameron: I’m backing Boris (Island)

John Stewart of AirportWatch argues that the announcement of Cameron’s support for an island estuary airport owes nothing to its efficacy and everything to political gamesmanship