75% of UK voters support a Mansion Tax, including 68% of Tory Voters

New polling shows overwhelming support among the public for a mansion tax, with voters from all three main parties backing the measure by a significant majority.

New polling shows overwhelming support among the public for a mansion tax, with supporters of all three main parties backing the measure by a significant majority.

In response to the question: “Thinking about the budget next month, would you support or oppose…a new tax upon people with houses worth more than £2 million?”, thirty nine per cent of all voters strongly supported the measure, with 36 per cent saying they “tended to support” the policy, according to the poll by the Sunday Times.

Broken down along party lines, 68 per cent of those who said they were going to vote Tory at the next election supported a tax on houses worth more than £2 million pounds, compared with 82 per cent of Labour supporters and 85 per cent of Liberal Democrats.

Left Foot Forward has previously set out five reasons why progressives should support Labour’s Mansion Tax.

The Mansion Tax vote will take place later today in the House of Commons. The Lib Dems have said they will not support Labour in the Commons and accused the party of playing “cynical games”.

4 Responses to “75% of UK voters support a Mansion Tax, including 68% of Tory Voters”

  1. Gary Barker

    I think it says more about who votes Labour now that 18% don’t think this is a good idea. I would love to see how many pre-Blair Labour voters would have supported this

  2. Sarah

    I think we also need higher bands for Council Tax: the top band is priced comparatively low, particularly when you think of the cost of houses in the South East.

  3. Newsbot9

    The problem there being that you’re going to hammer renters, Sarah. Without some other way of offsetting that…

  4. Mick

    Googling LABOUR INSISTS MANSION TAX PLANS WERE NOT WRITTEN ON THE BACK OF AN ENVELOPE show just how shabby left wing politics are, with Vince Cable saying he’ll refuse to vote with Labour on it just because he says Labour stole the policy from him!

    If a mass of people support an mansion tax, it would be understandable at a time when people blame ‘bankers’ for their plight. Though it may be interesting to force the humiliation of mansion owners in Labour, such as Millipede himself, if such plans went through.

    And lastly, the people who only ‘tend to support’ the measure aren’t really supporters at all. They would have doubts if they really sat down to think about it. And the figures also show a majority of people don’t think David Cameron is doing a terrible job.

    So good thing Cameron quashed this mansion crap. Maybe Labour can move beyond issues based on class envy.

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